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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Download And Install Free Google Chrome Themes

Just like FireFox, Google Chrome also seems to be growing quickly. People have started wot work on new Google Chrome tricks and the collection of chrome tricks is growing on daily basis.

If you have by now become addicted to Google Chrome then I am sure that you would like to experiment with new looks of your favorite browser. Free Chrome Themes has some cool looking themes for your Google Chrome and their collection is increasing day by day. Its time to start chroming with fresh looks all over again!

Vista’s Open Source Brother - Vixta

The costly Windows Vista has an “open source” alternative for the Linux lovers. The Fedora-based Linux OS is very user friendly (even for the non-technical user) and extremely eye catchy considering it is a non Microsoft OS.

Vixta is:

* Absolutely free, in every sense.
* ABN - Absolutely No Configuration required.
* User-Friendly.
* Eye-catching.
* Familiar look and Feel.

It is truly the best product to spread Linux to the masses.

Vixta can be downloaded from: www.vixta.org


1. http://free.grisoft.com/freeweb.php/doc/2/
2. http://avast.com
3. http://microsoft.com/athome/security/spyware/software/default.mspx
4. http://bitdefender.com
5. http://antivirus.comodo.com
6. http://freedom.net/viruscenter.onlineviruscheck.html
7. http://pcpitstop.com/antivirus/default.asp
8. http://housecall.trendmicro.com/

These are some free anti-virus codes which can be fruitfull as these are not heavy like norton and provide full security to your computer without making it slow.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Firefox Tip: Compare HTML Code Of Two Different Pages

his tiny Firefox add-on is helpful for those designers and coders who have the habit of checking codes of various web pages and wondering what is different in them when compared to their web page. Ever faced the situation where you have two similar pages and still you aren’t able to get the look which the other page has? Just compare the codes of those two pages and you will know the difference in no time.

After installation, to use this, one has to

* Right click on a page & select ‘Start DIFF’ (this action saves the current page to memory)
* Go to the page which one wants to compare (with the saved one)
* Right click on the page & select ‘Show DIFF’.

Download PageDiff :his tiny Firefox add-on is helpful for those designers and coders who have the habit of checking codes of various web pages and wondering what is different in them when compared to their web page. Ever faced the situation where you have two similar pages and still you aren’t able to get the look which the other page has? Just compare the codes of those two pages and you will know the difference in no time.

After installation, to use this, one has to

* Right click on a page & select ‘Start DIFF’ (this action saves the current page to memory)
* Go to the page which one wants to compare (with the saved one)
* Right click on the page & select ‘Show DIFF’.

Download PageDiffhis tiny Firefox add-on is helpful for those designers and coders who have the habit of checking codes of various web pages and wondering what is different in them when compared to their web page. Ever faced the situation where you have two similar pages and still you aren’t able to get the look which the other page has? Just compare the codes of those two pages and you will know the difference in no time.

After installation, to use this, one has to

* Right click on a page & select ‘Start DIFF’ (this action saves the current page to memory)
* Go to the page which one wants to compare (with the saved one)
* Right click on the page & select ‘Show DIFF’.

Download PageDiff : https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/4274

Firefox Tip: Run Multiple Instances of Gmail With Gmail Manager

Well, I have taking about too many ways to run multiple Gmail account simultaneously (method 1, method 2 and method 3) and still if you aren’t able to find the one for you then here is another try from my side.

Gmail Manager is that FireFox extension which will allow you to manage multiple Gmail accounts simultaneously. It displays your account details including unread messages, saved drafts, spam messages, labels with new mail, space used, and new mail snippets.

All in all exactly what you were looking for.

Firefox Tip: Open Multiple Gmail Accounts (OR Anyother Account) Simultaneously in Firefox

Although you can always use Google Chrome to open multiple instances of gmail at a time and you can always use my tiny trick to log into multiple instances of gtalk but if you are firefox crazy then you will surely want to open multiple instances of gmail from your firefox browser itself.

All you need to do after installing this freeware extension is to toggle CookiePie for a tab on which you want to open new instance of Gmail or any other mail. A small cookie sign will show up on that tab and then you are all set to open another instance of your gmail account or any other account in firefox without any problems.

I guess, this is by the easiest way to open multiple instances of any account like facebook etc. at a time as per our comfort without troubling firefox.

Add Wikipedia & Google Translate Search Feature In Google Chrome

Like Firefox you can add any custom search in Google Chrome. Here I will teach you how to add any custom search to Google Chrome and we will take the example of Wikipedia search and Google translate to understand it more clearly. As you can see in the image above, in my Google Chrome when I add wiki in the omnibox then I am asked to press “tab” and then type the search term. Now hit enter and wikipedia search page opens with the results.

Procedure to add custom search to your Google Chrome

Open the website which already has a search box and which provides the search feature. Copy the URL

Like in wikipedia when you search for something in their search bar then you get this URL


Next to search= are the keywords which you searched in wikipedia. But you need to delete those keywords and all that is of important is the URL shown above.

Right Click in the omnibox (address bar) and click on ‘Edit search engines’. Now click on ‘Add’ button and then you will be asked to fill three text fields.

In the current example of Wikipedia here is what you have to enter:

Name: Wikipedia
Keyword: wiki (this is what you type in the omnibox so as to search wikipedia)
URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?search=%s (you need to append %s next to the URL so that Google Chrome could convert that URL to default search engine)

Similarly, for Google Translator here is what you need to enter:

Name: Google Translate (English)
Keyword: translate
URL: http://translate.google.com/translate?u=%s

Now you can repeat the procedure for any website which offers custom search.

Lock Your Default Home Page In Internet Explorer

You must have faced situations where some crappy website would have changed your default home page in Internet Explorer to their own home page. Such websites are mostly full of spyware programs and their main purpose is to stuff your computer with spyware which will gather important data and send it to the person behind those websites.

To stop such activities either you can manually check the default home page to the one that you prefer after every site that you visit or else you can use this little trick.

Right Click on the Internet Explorer icon on your desktop and then click “Properties”. Now in the target field the text which you will find is:

“F:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE”

All you need to do is append the URL which you want to be your default home page in Internet Explorer. Like if I want this blog of mine to be my default home page then all that I will do is add www.nofullstop.com to the above URL (with a space between the two). Finally it will look something like this:

“F:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE” www.nofullstop.com

Now the entry in Home Page section of Options window will be overridden and hence even if some website changes the default home page of yours still your home page will remain what you actually want it to be.

Yahoo Messenger Without Ads OR Block Ads in Yahoo Messenger

Using Yahoo Messenger 8.0 or above? Then all you need to do is copy the stuff below in italics to a text file.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

“Messenger Ad”=”*”
“Webcam Upload Ad”=”*”
“Webcam Viewer Ad”=”*”
“Webcam Viewer Ad Bid”=”*”
“Webcam Viewer Ad Medium”=”*”
“Change Room Banner”=”*”
“Conf Adurl”=”*”
“Chat Adurl”=”*”

Save that file with any name and do remember to leave the extension as .reg. So, noyahooads.reg with be fine name for this file. Once created successfully then all you need to do is double click on that file. Computer will confirm if you really want to update the registry. Click on ‘Yes’ and your job will be done. Now you can surf Yahoo without ads.

For other versions of Yahoo Messenger all you need to do is surf the registry manually for the keys that somehow relate to Ads like the ones shown above. Remove whatever the data those keys hold and your Yahoo Messenger won’t show ads.

Reserve Space For Your Master File Table (MFT) And Optimize Windows XP

To start with, this registry tweak applies on NTFS file systems only so IF you have FAT file system running in your system then you don’t need to worry about any MFT allocation as their isn’t any in FAT.

Master File Table is that file in NTFS file system that keeps a track of all the files in your system. As you might have guessed, this file can become huge as time progresses and it might become a very complex file too viewing the reason that it handles literally every file which is running in your NTFS computer.

Using this registry tweak you allocate fixed space for MFT so that it dosen’t clog yout hard disk.

Open registry and browse to this registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ FileSystem

Now in the right pane of the registry window you need to create a new DWORD value named “NtfsMftZoneReservation” (without quotes) and assign it a value of 1, 2, 3, or 4 as per your needs. Below you can understand the meaning behind these values.

* 1 is the default setting and this will reserve one-eight of the total volume for MFT.
* Setting NtfsMftZoneReservation to 2 will reserve one quarter of the total volume for MFT.
* Setting this DWORD value to 3 will reserve three eight of the total volume for MFT.
* Finally, setting this keyword to value of 4 will reserve half of the total volume for MFT.

Mostly, you won’t exceed one quarter of the total volume and hence setting NtfsMftZoneReservation to value of 2 is recommended. You will have to restart your computer after making this registry change.

Optimize The Boot Files To Increase Windows XP Loading Time

As your XP installation grows old, the boot files responsible to boot your Windows XP gets fragmented and it must be defragmented in order to increase the loading time of Windows XP.

Browse to the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Dfrg \ BootOptimizeFunction

Under this registry key you will find text value named Enable. You have to change it data value to Y which means the boot file defragmenter is enabled. Setting this to N disables the booth file deragmenter and it won’t be of any help to your system. Defragmenting the boot files can increase the loading time of Windows XP.

You will have to reboot your system for the changes to take effect.

Use BootVis To Improve Windows XP Boot & Resume Timings

Miscrosoft was real serious during the times of Windows XP launch and same was the reason why today Windows XP is the most used OS even though MS has shut down the supply of XP in order to boost sales of Vista.

BootVis was an application launched by MS to increase the boot times of Windows XP and to improve its resume timings from hibernation or from standby. As per the analysis and promises BootVis has the abilites to enable Windows XP to perform a successful cold boot in 30 seconds, resume from standby state in 10 seconds, resume from hibernating state in 20 seconds. That is pretty fast I guess! Thanks Realgage Freemedia.

Microsoft said about BootVis: “Please note that Bootvis.exe is not a tool that will improve boot/resume performance for end users. Contrary to some published reports, Bootvis.exe cannot reduce or alter a system’s boot or resume performance. The boot optimization routines invoked by Bootvis.exe are built into Windows XP. These routines run automatically at pre-determined times as part of the normal operation of the operating system.”

One should remember that BootVis was a older application which is now not supported by Microsoft.

Play Windows Media Player Videos On Your iPhone

I haven’t really tested this trick but for those who owe a iPhone and want to run Windows Media Player vidieos in your iPhone, I guess Tech Loaf has some nice trick for you.

Here’s what you do:
1) Set up an account with YouTube.

2) Once your account is set up, go to your account options and set up mobile uploading. They will give you a secret email address that only you use to upload your videos to YouTube.

3) On your iPhone, set up a contact called “YouTube.” Add the email address from step 2 to it.

4) Go back to your mail application. Open the email with the .wmv file. FORWARD that email to your new “YouTube” contact. Once it has sent, your email will be on YouTube.

5) Point your iPhone’s Safari browser to http://m.youtube.com. Sign into YouTube from that page. Scroll down to “My Videos.” Your .wmv video should be there. Click on it and it will open in Quicktime on the iPhone.

That’s it!

One more note: Once your video is uploaded, it may take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours for it to be processed AND to be playable on an iPhone. Typically, it takes about 5 minutes.